Tuesday, July 21, 2015

San Francisco: cinematic tour.

Hi guys!!! Now I'm studying english on San Francisco and for this reason I want to dedicate my first post to the movies that were shot in this beautiful city.

The first that comes to mind is "Vertigo"(1958)  direct by Alfred Hitchcook. This movie is a thriller with ex-cop Scottie (James Stewart) hired by worried husband Gavin Elster to examine the strange behavior of his wife, Madeleine (Kim Novak),

 Alfred Hitchcock wanted to use the red of the rich interior of Ernie's restaurant for represent the passion of the first meeting between Madeleine and Scottie.

 Ernie's restaurant was one of Hitckcook's favorite place. The restaurant is located at 847 Montgomery Street but now it's closed.

Another important place in the film is the point where Kim Novak fell in the water and James Stewart saved her. The place is Golden Gate Bridge.

The second movie that I want to talk about is "Mrs Doubtfire" (1993) direct by Chris Columbus with Robin Williams. Daniel, dubber of cartoons, has recently divorced. The three children were entrusted to the wife who prevented him from seeing them. Helped by a friend and brother, he disguised herself as old babysitter.


This is Mrs Doubtfire location. The family home: 2640 Steiner Street, Pacific Heights, San Francisco

Completely different is the point of view of the bay offered by the island of Alcatraz, about two and a half kilometers off the coast of San Francisco, has always been associated with the  maximum security prison that so often has been the set of a lot of movies. The particular hardness, that characterized the living conditions of prisoners in this prison is the perfect set for stories of injustice and the struggle for freedom. The first that I want to remember is " Escape from Alcatraz" direct by Don Siegel with Clint Eastwood .

June 11, 1962 three inmates escaped from the terrible prison-fortress of Alcatraz. No one had ever managed to escape in twenty-six years of operation of the penitentiary; but Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers could do it. This story is really happened.

 Instead, "Milk", direct by Gus Van Sant with Sean Penn and James Franco, is a politic movie. 

This movie tells the story of the politician Harvey Milk and the evolution of the Castro district during the 70's, when Milk and his partner moved to San Francisco to open the photo shop Castro Camera. After Castro became a important point of gay community and Milk became the mouthpiece of gay rights but after he was killed by city councilman Dan White.

So, this is my first short post! My other post will be dedicated to reviews!

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